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There's a purpose-built lodge inside and a lot of lights and sirens outside. Is this the best patrol car ever?

Consider being pursued by an F-150 Lighting or Urus Performante frightening enough? Check out the world's first Cybertruck patrol vehicle, complete with a cabin full of mind-blowing equipment and an impressive three million sirens.

It was developed by California-based UP.FIT, who specialize in outfitting Teslas for broader fleet use. Upgraded radio and computer systems have also been incorporated to facilitate the detection and eventual apprehending of doughnut thieves.

Even the inside will be redesigned by UP.FIT for a variety of uses; docks for weapon storage and K9 enclosures are among the options. Hold on, what? Yes, there will be a special place in one of these Cybertrucks for Frankie the fur rocket.

more customization possibilities include larger brakes, forged wheel and tire packages, and even certain off-road-specific accessories like stronger suspension and more underbody protection.

It's logical to presume that the package can be fitted to any of the several Cybertruck power and drivetrain combinations, though UP.FIT hasn't verified any technical changes. These include of the all-wheel drive and dual/tri-motor models, and they ought to include the upcoming rear-drive single-motor model scheduled for release in 2025.

Ben Schaffer, CEO of UP.FIT, stated, "We've been thrilled with the direct feedback from police departments that have participated in our Cybertruck development." "We're excited to provide these fully equipped cars to law enforcement organizations around the country this year.

Josh N

Josh is an avid Petrolhead and has been creating content in the motoring space for the last two years. As a qualified Pilot, he normally travels much faster than most rood-going vehicles. Hos favourite brands are Pagani and Koeniggsegg.

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