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Suffering from its own success, Maranello can't keep up with strong customer demand.

Raise your hand if you saw this coming – the Ferrari Purosangue is already a huge hit. The family-friendly Prancing Horse debuted in mid-September and it was only a couple of days later when commercial and marketing manager, Enrico Galliera, said the order books could be temporarily closed. Well, it has happened as the very same person told the Australian magazine Drive the company has stopped taking requests due to a large backlog of orders: "It's no secret that we stopped taking orders. We had such an interest without delivering one single car. We made a decision that we thought was consistent with the positioning of Ferrari and the model."

While rival models such as the Lamborghini Urus don't have a production cap, Maranello said even before unveiling the Purosangue that it wants to keep it exclusive. The SUV will account for no more than 20 percent of the automaker's annual vehicle output. In the two and a half months that have passed since the reveal, the order books have gotten thick enough to keep Ferrari busy for a long time. Those who put their names on the dotted line right before the Italian company stopped taking requests will have to patiently wait for two years.

Production is programmed to commence before the end of the year with first deliveries slated for 2023. The Purosangue will initially be a V12-only affair, although we do know its platform has been engineered to accommodate a hybrid powertrain as well. With demand being this strong, Ferrari is in no hurry to diversify the lineup early in the life cycle.


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