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This will keep the look of the brand’s badge consistent from the computer screen to the front grille.

The digital age has had automakers rethinking the look of their logos over the last few years. Many have opted for new two-dimensional designs that keep the logos and emblems consistent across mediums, from computer screens to the front grille. Audi is the latest to jump on this trend, introducing a new 2D badge for its vehicles and branding.

The four rings remain, but the overall styling is much flatter. According to Audi designer Andre Georgi, the new logo is “significantly more modern” than the one it replaces. The idea of a 2D Audi logo dates back to 2016, but it really took off in 2020 as the German automaker began to rethink its corporate identity, deciding that it wanted the four rings to look the same everywhere.

Audi’s new, flatter logo lacks any chrome, instead opting for a high-contrast black-and-white look that adds 3D-like details. The company will still allow customers to get the new rings in black, with the revamped variation replacing the bright white with a dark gray. Audi’s new logo coincides with the automaker also standardizing the fonts used inside and out. It’s called “Audi Type,” which customers will begin seeing on the B-pillar of new Audi models and likely elsewhere throughout the vehicle. 

“Our philosophy is that every detail must convey a meaning or serve a purpose,” said Georgi. “We want our quality to speak through the design and the product itself.” Audi’s four rings are iconic at this point, beginning life as the result of four automakers merging in 1932 as Auto Union. This company would later become Audi as we know it today.

Audi isn’t alone in attempting to create consistent branding in a digital world filled with screens. Volkswagen, BMW, Nissan, Skoda, Kia, Peugeot, General Motors, Buick, and many more have revamped their logo designs with flatter, 2D elements. Even we at have tweaked our branding. An automaker’s presence and branding online are just as significant as the car itself, and companies want to tie the two together cohesively. That requires a new logo designed for two-dimensional screens of all sizes.


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